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Server & Time

Test connectivity

GET /openapi/v1/ping

Test connectivity to the Rest API.

Weight: 0

Parameters: NONE



Check server time

GET /openapi/v1/time

Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.

Weight: 0

Parameters: NONE


"serverTime": 1538323200000

Broker information

GET /openapi/v1/brokerInfo

Current broker trading rules and symbol information

Weight: 0

Parameters: NONE


"timezone": "UTC",
"serverTime": 1538323200000,
"rateLimits": [{
"rateLimitType": "REQUESTS_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"limit": 1500
"rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
"interval": "SECOND",
"limit": 20
"rateLimitType": "ORDERS",
"interval": "DAY",
"limit": 350000
"symbols": [{
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"status": "TRADING",
"baseAsset": "ETH",
"baseAssetPrecision": "0.001",
"quoteAsset": "BTC",
"quotePrecision": "0.01",
"icebergAllowed": false,
"filters": [{
"filterType": "PRICE_FILTER",
"minPrice": "0.00000100",
"maxPrice": "100000.00000000",
"tickSize": "0.00000100"
}, {
"filterType": "LOT_SIZE",
"minQty": "0.00100000",
"maxQty": "100000.00000000",
"stepSize": "0.00100000"
}, {
"filterType": "MIN_NOTIONAL",
"minNotional": "0.00100000"